How to check daily price change of petrol and diesel

Publisehed: 2017-06-15 00:00:00

From June 16, 2017 onwards the price of petrol and diesel will change daily compared to the previous policy of revising prices every fifteen days.

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The daily prices will be displayed at the pumps and in addition Oil Marketing Companies (OMC's) have provided ways where the customer can verify the price being charged at the pumps.

Through SMS

By sending an SMS customers can verify the price. You will need the dealer code of the pump to be able to do so. Each pump needs to display the dealer code prominently.

Indian Oil Corporation (IOC)

Type RSP < SPACE > DEALER CODE to 92249 92249

Bharat Petroleum (BP)

Type RSP < SPACE > DEALER CODE to 92231 12222

Hindustan Petroleum (HP)

Type HPPRICE < SPACE > DEALER CODE to 92222 01122

Mobile App

Customers can download the mobile app to verify the price.

Indian Oil Corporation (IOC)

Fuel@IOC App and locate the petrol pump to verify prices

Bharat Petroleum (BP)

SmartDrive Mobile App and locate the petrol pump to verify prices

Hindustan Petroleum (HP)

My HPCL Mobile App and locate the petrol pump to verify prices


Alternatively, customers can visit the OMC's website to verify the prices.

Indian Oil Corporation (IOC) Go to 'Pump Locator' to check prices.

Bharat Petroleum (BP) Go to 'Pump Locator' to check prices.

Hindustan Petroleum (HP) Go to 'Pump Locator' to check prices.